Many are Called
2015 - 2016
In the 1930s Walker Evans took portraits of people on the NYC subway with a 35mm camera hidden under his coat. Every Sunday in December for the past few years, the MTA runs vintage subway cars from the same era. This is my 21st century recreation of Evans' series.
More information on the MTA's Nostalgia train can be found here

Spread from Walker Evans' Many are Called
"For Evans, who all his life both needed and enjoyed the luck of the scavenger, the subway was a sensational find.
It was the ideal portrait studio, and although it had been around for thirty-five years no one had previously
realized its possibilities as such. The trains were dark brown inside and out, and although the lighting was as
impersonal as anyone would wish the bulbs were incandescent, which at least provided some mystery."
- Luc Sante in his forward to the re-edition of Many are Called

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